(937) 419-4197 hciahouston@gmail.com

Rental Info

The facility has a seating capacity for 275 people, a stage, a sound system, a full functioning kitchen, bathrooms, and a large parking lot. There is also a handicap-accessible door with ramp. Members of Houston and the surrounding communities are welcome to rent it for gatherings. Please call or text our rental agent at 937-419-4197 for details on availability and rates. You can also email our rental agent at HCARental@gmail.com. Any questions or concerns may be voiced at a Trustee Meeting which are held on the first Wednesday each month at 7PM at the community center.

Current Rates:

Decorating the night prior to rental is an additional $75. Note that membership rates above are good for one rental per calendar year. Any additional reservations over one rental per calendar year by members will be at the non-member rates. If a member rents the hall for a non-member at the member rate, your next rental will be at the non-member rental rate and you will lose your deposit. Trustees have final determination regarding all decisions related to the rental of the community center.

Membership Levels:

Note that trustees and officers automatically qualify for Platinum Membership Level. Trustees have final determination on membership status and level.


If a rental is cancelled, deposits may be refunded with advanced notice of cancellation as follows:

  • 6 months in advance for weddings, holiday parties, or graduation parties
  • 2 months in advance for gatherings

Calendar of Availability: