President: Brian Helman
Vice President: Brian Lentz
Treasurer: Patty Cotterman
Assistant Treasurer: Gwen Shoemaker
Secretary: Christine Helman
Rental Agent: Erica Lentz
Janitor: Patricia Curl
Trustees: Brian & Christine Helman, Brian & Erica Lentz, Patty Cotterman, Gwen Shoemaker, Patricia Curl
Rental Agent Phone Number: 937-419-4197
Houston Community Center Phone Number (for Pizza Night orders): 937-295-3598
Email Address:
Physical Address: 5005 Russia-Houston Road, Houston, Ohio 45333
The Houston Community Association is a non-profit organization which supports the surrounding communities of Shelby County. Some of this support includes the following:
The majority of our yearly funds are generated through food sales at the Houston Food Booth during the Shelby County Fair and the Lake Festival weekend at Ft. Loramie State Park in the fall. Our residents and association members are key to staffing these yearly fundraisers that have been supported over the years. High school students who volunteer can apply this experience to the Houston Community Association Scholarship opportunities each year.